Sunday, January 24, 2010

Opening Night!

Dress rehearsal was a disaster. But they said that a bad dress rehearsal means a great show. And it's true! Oh, it was such an amazing experience. I love this show. I love being on stage. The show is amazing! And...we got a standing ovation! This really is my true calling. Quitting my day job was the best thing I ever did. And if I ever forget that all I have to do is think about tonight: When those lights lits me up, out there in my costume, singing my heart out, along-side my talented fellow actors, nothing could be more right! sigh...

OH, and guess what else?! I didn't realize this, but this is equity-waiver. What does that mean, you ask? I am getting paid!!!!! It's not alot ($10/performance) but it's something! I'm a working actress. I'm doin' it! I livin' the dream!

And the good news is that this show runs indefinitely! Wooooooooooooooooo!

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